Laser Physics Pdf

Etched optical fiber for measuring concentration and refractive index of sucrose solutions by evanescent waves

The study of the reduction of an optical fiber by chemicaletching has been suggested to determine the concentrations ofsucrose in water and their refractive indices by evanescent wavesusing a coherent infrared source. The cladding of a single-modeoptical fiber was removed at a rate of ~3.27 µm min−1 using hydrofluoric acid until it reached adiameter of 7.3 µm, similar to the core of the fiber. This fiber wasused to characterize sucrose solutions at different amountsemploying a continuous wave infrared laser source at1550 nm. The sucrose was dissolved in water to evaluate thequantitative sensor response based on the transmissionrelationship. The experimental results showed that the refractiveindices obtained by the evanescent absorbance were in the range of1.31–1.44 for concentrations of sucrose between 0% (water) to65%. Additionally, it was determined that for concentrations higherthan 65% of sucrose, the refractive index of the solution issimilar to the core of the fiber, and therefore the total internalreflection was not possible. The results obtained in this worksuggest that the etched optical fiber can be used as a refractiveindex sensor, which may play an important role in chemicalapplications.

Passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser based on Zn nanoparticles as a saturable absorber

Place a spring on top of the tape as shown in the image below. Don’t shine the laser light yet! Place the laser near the spring on a stack of books to raise and to stabilize the laser. Shine the laser at the spring, keeping your eyes above the laser light level. You should see a diffraction pat- tern on the screen.

In this work, a passively Q-switched erbium-doped ring laserusing zinc nanoparticles as a saturable absorber is studied andexperimentally demonstrated. To achieve this, a saturable absorberwas developed through a selective incorporation of zincnanoparticles onto the core of an optical fiber using a coherentlight source of an infrared laser at 1550 nm, then thesaturable absorber was inserted into a laser cavity. The laser hasa threshold pump power of 57.7 mW at 980 nm, and a range ofpulse-repetition rate from 12.3 to 43 kHz. The highest pulseenergy of 2.6 nJ was obtained at a repetition rate of 43 kHzand an output wavelength of 1565.5 nm. In addition, thesaturable absorber was morphologically characterized by using bothscanning electron and atomic force microscopy showing a uniformdistribution of nanoparticles deposited on the optical fiber core.This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of aQ-switched fiber laser using Zn nanoparticles as a device ofsaturable absorption.

Fiber-FSO/wireless convergent systems based on dual-polarization and one optical sideband transmission schemes
  1. PDF The book on Laser Physics in question-answer format is presented. The aim is to present the topics in the simplest form for easy understanding of the student at MS level in Physics.
  2. Chapter 7 Lasers After having derived the quantum mechanically correct suszeptibility for an inverted atomic system that can provide gain, we can use the two-level model to study the laser and its dynamics. After discussing the laser concept briefly we will investigate various types of.

A bidirectional fiber-free-space optical (FSO)/wirelessconvergent system that uses dual-polarization and one opticalsideband transmission schemes for hybrid vestigial sideband(VSB)–four-level pulse amplitude modulation(PAM4)/millimeter-wave signal transmission is proposed anddemonstrated. Using a dual-polarization scheme, one opticalsideband that is modulated by a 56 Gb s−1 VSB–PAM4 signal (x-polarization) and another optical sideband that ismodulated by a 10 Gbps data stream (y-polarization) are separated and polarized orthogonally.One optical sideband modulated by a 10 Gbps data stream (y-polarization) is delivered to efficaciously suppress thedispersion-induced limitation due to a span of 40 km single-modefiber (SMF) and the distortion due to the beating among multiplesidebands. The proposed bidirectional fiber-FSO/wireless convergentsystem is a prominent one for providing broadband integratedservices, such as the Internet, telecommunication, and 5G mobilenetworks.

Simultaneous temperature sensing using distributed cascading fiber Bragg grating-based single-ended Brillouin optical time-domain analyzer

We report a novel method of simultaneous distributed temperaturesensing in optical fibers. The method is based on the cascadingfiber Bragg grating (FBG) single-ended Brillouin opticaltime-domain analyzer (BOTDA). This proposal applies the technologyof cascading FBGs to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of thesingle-ended BOTDA. Experimental results show achievement of a 50km sensing range with 3 °C temperature resolution and 5 mspatial resolution.

Laser fundamentals pdf Optical levitation-associated atomic loading in a dipole trap

We demonstrate a robust method for the efficient opticallylevitated loading of ultracold Cs atoms in a crossed dipole trap.When preparing a large number of atomic samples, a large-volumecrossed dipole trap is required to form a shallow but veryefficient loading potential. The scattering force coming from a rednear-off-resonance laser is utilized to precisely compensate forthe destructive gravitational force of the atoms, making it apromising method for loading and trapping ∼atoms in a pure optical trap. The optimum levitation laserintensity is ∼177 W cm−2 with a detuning of −25.0GHz. The dependence of the variation in the number of atoms loadedand trapped in the optically levitated dipole trap on the intensityand detuning of the levitated laser is in good agreement withtheoretical predictions.

Quantum phase diagrams of the Jaynes–Cummings Hubbard models in non-rectangular lattices

In this paper, we investigate systematically the quantum phasetransition between the Mott-insulator and superfluid states of theJaynes–Cummings Hubbard model in triangular, square,honeycomb and kagomé lattices. With the help ofGreen’s function method, by treating the hopping term in theJaynes–Cummings Hubbard model as perturbation, we calculatethe phase boundaries of Jaynes–Cummings Hubbard models ondifferent geometrical lattices analytically up to second order forboth detuning and .It is shown that the Mott phase becomes more unstable whenincreasing the polariton number n. Meanwhile, the Mott lobe of n = 0 is enlarged while otherMott lobes shrink as the detuning parameter increases.

Raman quantum memory based on an ensemble of silicon-vacancy centers in diamond

The possibility of implementing a cavity-enhanced off-resonantRaman quantum memory in an ensemble of silicon-vacancy centers indiamond is studied. It is shown that the signal-to-noise ratio atthe output of the memory can significantly exceed unity for shortsingle-photon pulses if the number of optical centers is smallenough, which can be achieved with diamond samples in opticalmicroresonators, and level splitting in their ground state issignificantly enhanced by strain.

The shaped pulses control and operation on the SG-III prototype facility

Utorrent pro free trial download. The laser driven inertial confined fusion experiments requirecareful temporal shape control of the laser pulse. Two approachesare introduced to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the closeloop feedback system for long term operation in TIL; the first oneis a statistical model to analyze the variation of the parametersobtained from previous shots, the other is a matrix algorithmproposed to relate the electrical signal and the impulseamplitudes. With the model and algorithm applied in the pulseshaping in TIL, a variety of shaped pulses were produced with a 10%precision in half an hour for almost three years under differentcircumstance.

Detuning radio-frequency electrometry using Rydberg atoms in a room-temperature vapor cell

Traceable radio-frequency electric field measurements with highsensitivity have been demonstrated from the centimeter wave to themillimeter wave using room-temperature Rydberg atoms. Here, weinvestigate the splitting spectra of electromagnetically inducedtransparency induced by a radio-frequency electric field, which isdetuned from the resonant frequency of transitions between twoRydberg states, 47D5/2 ↔ 48P3/2. By varying the detuning of the radio-frequencyelectric field, we measure the separation between the two peaks,and in particular their relative height. The resulting measuredresonant transition frequency between two Rydberg states is foundto exhibit a visible change when the power of the radio-frequencyelectric field is varied, thus causing uncertainty in the traceableradio-frequency electric field measurement. Further, the effect ofdetuning of the probe light on the radio-frequency electric fieldmeasurement is presented.

Laser Physics Textbook Pdf

Investigation on phase noise of the signal from a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator

Laser Physics Milonni Pdf

The phase noise of the signal from a singly resonant opticalparametric oscillator (SRO) is investigated theoretically andexperimentally. An SRO based on periodically poled lithium niobateis built up that generates the signal with a maximum power of 5.2 Wat 1.5 µm. The intensity noise of the signal reaches the shotnoise level for frequencies above 5 MHz. The phase noise of thesignal oscillates depending on the analysis frequency, and thereare phase noise peaks above the shot noise level at the peakfrequencies. Latest songs free download pagalworld. To explain the phase noise feature of the signal, asemi-classical theoretical model of SROs including the guidedacoustic wave Brillouin scattering effect within the nonlinearcrystal is developed. The theoretical predictions are in goodagreement with the experimental results.