Windows Serial Port Programming Example
#Serial Port Programming using Win32 API and C language
This repo contains code for transmitting and receiving characters (Strings) serially between an x86 Windows PC and a Microcontroller (MSP430G2553 on Launchpad).The code is written in C and uses Win32 API calls to control the SerialPort on a Windows machine.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##DetailsFull code explanation along with screenshots can be found here on the xanthium website
Serial Port Communication
The Microcontroller and PC are connected in null modem configuration using 3 signals (TX,RX and Ground).
The code uses standard Win32 API's to intialize the PC serial port and transmit a character to the microcontroller board.
The PC side code is written in C using Win32 API
and can be compiled using GCC or Microsoft Visual Studio Express.
The Code will Work With Standard RS232 Serial ports or any USB to Serial Converter.
More info about the USB to Serial/RS232/RS485 Converter used in the above tutorial can be found here
The Microcontroller side code is written in Embedded C and Compiled using IAR embedded Workbench for MSP430.
The Hardware used is MSP430G2553 on Launch pad development board.
Then install the current version of Java. Fonality hud download client. Install the HUD and allow it to install the Java version it wants (I believe it is something like 6.11).
##Repo Contents
- Contains Code for Reading data from the serial port of Windows Machine .
- A string is transmitted by MSP430 Microcontroller which is received by the PC Serialport and then displayed on the Console.
- Contains Code for Transmitting data from the serial port of Windows Machine .
- A character is transmitted by the Windows PC towards the MSP430 Microcontroller.The character is received by the MSP430 and an LED on the development board is turned ON to signify data reception.